your path to

Real estate ownership starts with us


Commercial ownership in a land trust is a powerful tool for promoting community economic development and preserving affordability for small businesses. By owning the land, Rondo CLT can ensure that commercial properties remain accessible and affordable for small businesses over the long term. This is helpful in combating rapid gentrification, where small businesses may otherwise struggle to afford increasing rents.

Business + Retail

Commercial ownership in a land trust is a powerful tool for promoting community economic development and preserving affordability for small businesses. By owning the land, Rondo CLT ensures that commercial properties remain accessible and affordable for small businesses over the long term. This is helpful in combating rapid gentrification and rent increases.

Events in Rondo

Join us for events that celebrate community successes and provide educational opportunities. Our block parties, potlucks, homeownership orientations, and community meetings foster a sense of unity and build social capital. Through our gatherings, we aim to educate residents about our land trust model, its benefits, and how to get involved in our collaborative work.

Empower your journey to

Homeownership with our reparative programming

Mother and daughter

Right to Return to
Rondo Initiative

The Right to Return to Rondo Initiative is designed to create homeownership opportunities for those displaced by the construction of I-94 or their descendants to repair the economic, social, and cultural harm caused by the destruction of 700+ homes and 300+ businesses in the historic Rondo Neighborhood.

Daughter and parents laughing, sitting in a park

Homebuyer Initiated
Program (HIP)

The Homebuyer Initiated Program (HIP) is a homeownership program through which Rondo CLT assists households at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) purchase and fix up a single-family home (including duplexes) of their choice in St. Paul or Suburban Ramsey County.

Happy black family lying on bed

The Inheritance

A cornerstone initiative of Mayor Melvin Carter, the Inheritance Fund is an innovative and people-centered program that affords low-income families from Saint Paul’s historic Rondo Neighborhood the opportunity to rebuild wealth through homeownership.


Driving Collaborative
Economic Power

Through the creation and management of permanently affordable housing options, rental properties, commercial spaces, and other shared assets, Rondo CLT fosters community equity, wealth, and stability in the neighborhoods it serves.

Housing complex in St. Paul